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Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
Sir Cornflakes
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Virgo Cluster
10 votes

Banning the Nazi ugly word "Indo-Germanic"

5 votes

Serial downvotes on my questions: Reply

5 votes

2021 Community Moderator Election Results

4 votes

Use of LaTeX commands

4 votes

Should we include Esperanto in our scope?

3 votes

Linguistics Greatest Hits

3 votes

Etymology questions and close votes

2 votes

Can I ask about relations of similarity beween 2 or more specific languages?

2 votes

Is "one or more" numerical problem that exists at least in two languages really "language-specific"?

1 vote

Would a question about an uncertain passage in a Greek poem be accepted here?

1 vote

Modality, mood, and modal verbs

1 vote

Why was my question deleted? I'm terribly sorry if I did something wrong but I didn't mean anything mean

1 vote

Clarity or Details. Information; what kind of information should I add for a specific question in the main site?

0 votes

How to get obscure unicode scripts to display